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I thought that the volcanoes inside me that will not arise again, and awaken the memory of the pain is forgotten in the moments of love and Hana,
I thought that the unknown that monitors my steps may Otabh travel behind me, and that he has to rest today and is resting in stationed away from me, but I was disillusioned,Vdvatra sad still fill their pages and Publications surgical painful, fingerprints blurry stillexploring My Spirit Asaha find whiter veiled, Toshha some of this suffering that does notdepart my steps,,,

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Internal Links Internal links

It links from inside your / your forum / blog that links to each page,
It is important because it turned spiders from page to page and thus increase the number of pages and increase the archived results of that have to be to make your site a network of internal links so that if a spider came out, but you do not have visited most of the pages / articles you have
Tent Ahamra
The workshop:
How do you make the best use of internal links?

• In Home Place links to important pages / articles you have provided the links are permanent links do not change with a new essay for example, as an addendum months, articles or other articles
• Then put the links to the pages / articles-like pages of the task (the task within the page)
• ensure that the spiders to enter more than once to the pages / articles important and therefore ensure archiving and occupation, but the results of an advanced search engine Google and more importantly, it will work on the rest of the ***** articles / similar sites that we add to it

• Log in to your site and visitors do not like the site and select the most important page put permanent links in the main page, look in the forums looked forward to visiting your articles and see which one is the most important and the main display, and in the main forum page Add links to the most important sections and topics

We come to a very important point! The text of internal links
Each visit is by internal links are recorded in Google, whether they are spiders or visitors, but how he scores?
Imagine you put a link to the most important article you have in your blog page under the headline (the most important article enter and Shoof) will go down in this article under the title of the most important article and thus will enter the competition keywords (the most important - an article - Log - Shoof)

Of course you do not want those words if your article is talking about: the Sioux and improve search results, so choose a good text of internal links

With frequent visits from the spiders and visitors will gain a lot of votes to these words and therefore I have Cetksabha Google and you visit these articles or those pages via internal links to increase the number of votes whenever you get the opportunity

It is very important since some of them will strengthen Similar pages linked to internal links and you will find that the number of visitors runs the transfers and you will find a marked increase in length of stay of visitors on your site so your link each group pages / articles / sections are similar to each other

Especially for bloggers!

When you write an article there are some words or ideas and that articles written about it already, why not refer to it again?
Example: The rules of e-marketing is a foundation that will not fit any building without it, therefore, any attempt to order to increase the number of pages archived without getting to know the rules of e-marketing will not work Aleem Mohammed

Note the amount of internal links in the previous example and most importantly the text of links and most importantly they are similar

Followed your links internal archived through (I have a Webmaster Tools Google) as follows:

1. Go to Webmaster Tools
2. Click on the location where you want
3. From the menu on the left choose your website and internal links
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Peace, mercy and blessings of God and
Good morning

The College Undergraduate stems open the scoring
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In 1969 became the state (San Francisco) is a state of terror first in the United States of America!!Despite the proliferation of murderers and thugs everywhere there - perhaps more than the victims themselves - the Master (Zodiac) was able to make a clear imprint in this area .. And to immortalize his name in the history books ..But the ugliest pictures ..

The first victim .. "Cherie Jo Bates"

The real start was three years earlier .. With a beautiful young woman at the age of 18 years only ..The "Cherry Joe Pitts" hopes to return to her home quickly, you can summarize the books borrowed from the library at once, so I was disappointed when a big car that refused to issue any evidence of life .. Unfortunately, the error occurred in the famous - and who was the last mistakes - I have accepted to help a stranger at night, is far from her home .."But he seems calm and peaceful," so she said to herself when offered her help in repairing the car, and then when offered her delivery to her house .. Certainly was quiet and peaceful in its consideration - perhaps even attractive!! - But they did not know it was crazy ..Are only a few days until her body was found, although getting used to the police on the landscape of dead bodies, most of them could not stop the bout by Ajtaanhm nausea when they saw the "Joe Sherry Bates" .. Or what is left of them!! ..

After a whole month to find her body torn apart by more than a dozen stab wounds - mostly in the neck area - to the local police arrived a letter written by hand, contains a detailed explanation of how the killer do his crime, and the enjoyment of every moment in it!! ..And everyone's surprise hit of this strange courage, and also because of the signature that is a combination of a character (Z) and number (2) ..At the end of the speech a few words the face of the killer is still stuck in the minds of each of the read or heard:"It was pretty small, but it is now dead .. it will not be the last, and while reciting these words, I will be thinking about the next victim, which would be a fate far worse!! .. So please do not make it easy .. warned everyone of me, and Spread the discourse on the public to appreciate what they will face .. I am not sick, but I'm mad!! .. so you should believe every word tell them ...".

Of course, no one thought to publish this letter terrible fear of the spread of panic and disgust among the people (San Francisco), but the newspapers published a few days later with severe condemnation of what it was ..He sent a copy to all the killer local newspapers with "Please publish a special "!!..House and very controversial in the state on Mr (Z) - and shot him in the beginning - but that did not last for more than a few days after everyone's forgotten everything, and began the usual calm hangs in the air again ..But it seems that (Z) not only what had happened; was sent a letter to the girl's parents after 6 months, were not the only few words:

"I died" Cherry "because it was a must die, and there will be others !!..".

"David Arthur" and "Betty Lou"

At ten pm on 20/12/1968 AD - after more than two years - and in Aellouktalve was a "David Arthur" and "Betty Lou" were preparing to leave their car, approached them unknown and called on them more than 7 bullets penetrated all of their bodies and led to their deaths on the immediately .. Xrah and reading events in the previous lines, it was that heinous crime ..When I arrived in police cars, ambulances and everything was over, there is no longer any trace of the killer, and everyone rubbing their eyes in preparation for the hard work to reveal his identity ..

But (Z) are not satisfied with that effort!! .. Where police received (San Francisco) the next day phone call from an unknown person told them where he is responsible for the incident and that he hoped they have not forgotten, because he will not forgive them this neglect at all, and then concluded his speech by saying: "See you again soon .. Takeprecautions with you .. was Mr (Z) "..He knew some of those who lived through the first case, that old friend has returned to appear in the same way provocative ..

Before we come to grips with what happened, call them again the next day and was telling them all the details of the latter crime, and that was when told by one of the investigators that he does not believe being an actor, and he may have seen the crime and wanted to be a renowned media silence (Z) a bit, then thanked investigator on this information, and promised to correct the error this time, and in the times that followed, and ended telephone conversation suddenly!! ..The patch, which meant (Z) in a very sadistic, he returned to call my father, "Betty Lou" ..Listen and parents across the full twenty minutes to the smallest details of the incident she tells them calmly terrible, even the victim's mother did not survive, and suffered a heart attack, the impact was transferred to intensive care ..This was the best reply of Mr (Z) to challenge the investigator him!! ..Everyone chuckled from those events, and began to work in full swing to catch this person, but all their efforts were blocked at the point stands, without any real information to help them in the search .. This lasted several months, when the crime occurred and the third ..

"Darlene Elizabeth" and "Michael Reno"

This was the evening of 5/7/1969 PM - in sparkle and maturity - when I got a phone message to the police in Panchkula, the "crime of one of the two remote parking lots"; where they found the body of each of the "Darlene Elizabeth" and "Michael Reno", has been hitting both more than a dozen bullets, also mostly in the neck area.Did not forget that the killer leaves distinctive signature on the car so as not to offset a "ridiculous charges not credible," once again ..

It was a shock for all violent after he thought he had stopped for one reason or another, but they did not know that in 69 he was in his will be more prosperous and glamorous ..Only later ..As expected the contact (Z) the next day to tell them in detail, and of course they had learned their lesson, and this time they were ready to track the call, but arrived at a place that made him call them angry and stray!! .. This was from a payphone a few meters away from the headquarters of the police!! ..And simply reached the newspapers the next day, letters from Mr (Z) announces that it has all of the past incidents, with an apology to the families of the victims because it "did what he should do" .. And at the same time when the letter to the police contains a table of some letters in English, with equivalents of the strange forms of what appeared to be part of the code!! .. And tell them (Z) at the end of the speech that likes to Alasmalve Inadoh by the end of the speech is written in this code ..

Seems that Mr (Z) - which has become months of a fire on the flag at that time - have the potential of really good, since that code has defied everyone and defied solution on the whole, despite intensive efforts, but has not been resolved only after a phone call a new killer, a for a new crime ..The surprise!! ..
The Master (Z) may make a special knife for his crimes to optimize, and to be its spokesman ..

"Brian Calvin" and "Cecilia Ann"

In the first statement of this knife - which investigators did not find him at all, but they were able to visualize him through the forms of wounds on the victims - 02/27/1969 in CE, the (Z) intercepted by two of the visitors (San Francisco) and two "Brian Calvin" and"Cecilia Ann" in one way far from the construction - as usual - and stole their money and their car, where he was needed "to travel to (Mexico) on the spot," but before he left, did not forget to leave the tenth stab wounds in the body of the girl, and seven others in thethe body of the boy, and left quickly before the police arrived at the call of it!! ..But wait .. They are not the bodies!! .. They are striving to capture the breathtaking ..Was immediately transferred to hospital, where doctors everything they can to save what can be saved, but that "Cecilia" did not tolerate what was hit by the stab wounds and died after arrival at the hospital two hours, while able to "Brian" to resist death, and is now closer national treasure to be preserved ..Without going into boring details of their investigation we can say that the benefit of "Brian" was limited to some extent, it is clear that he has been subjected to psychological pressure and severe nervous, made him unable to benefit the police the way that they Aomlunha .. Indeed, the new connection from Mr (Z) gave them more valuable information on how the accident ..

It also gave them the key to solving the code, he announced his disappointment in their inability to solve "the children's game" that!! .. It is also not forgotten at the end of the call to wish for healing for "Brian," and ask everyone to be treated calmly and deliberately, because they "do not know how much they went through the positions of the difficult and painful !!"..Now - after increasing the number of victims reached the police to the name you requested that Inadoh it ..

Kramer said, "Zodiac "!!.. Obaid death!
It seems that Mr. "Zodiac" had suffered a sudden heart of activity - bloody - in 69; which did not take more than a month until his crime was new, and the victim - for the first time - a man alone is "Paul Stein," .. That his death was a surprise .. Strong because its structure was able to defend himself well, but the lunges scattered all over his body indicated that Mr. "Zodiac" could Mbaghtth and overcome in moments ..

In a strange scene everyone sat at the police station in place instead of searching and drilling expected to wait for a call that tells them all the details!! ..But it did not come in that day, and instead arrived the next day's speech contains everything, but Mr. "Zodiac," added a small thing .. Added a small piece of the shirt, "Powell" dipped in the blood of the dead ..

The warning from Mr "Zodiac" that will continue if not publish this letter to the public!! ..And the dissemination of the speech in the press, causing a massive bout of panic among the citizens, especially with the newspapers to receive details of past crimes of the Master, "Zodiac", with items of clothing stained with blood, which he has accompanied them, and his insistence on the publication of those letters ..

Beast predator who kill the American dream!! .. Became the rule for all national newspapers in America, having rolled the messages and information from it, and in the end of each signature to the famous - who became the months of the tourist attractions - and now everyone is afraid to come out of his house after sunset, unless absolutely necessary, and each one doubts all around him .. Until it turned the city of "San Francisco" to the house of ghosts and horror ..With the approaching new year celebrations and the center of a small limited arrived in the new discourse, and who wrote it from the outside "urgent and dangerous to the inspector in charge of the issue of" Zodiac "killer" .. At home, the speech was simple, without any additions ..
"Dear Melvin .."Zodiac" Ihdzqm ..I hope you are enjoying the celebrations of the new year .. I think that it is not in the beauty of each year .. However, it is not too bad ..There is something I want to ask you to mark the new year, but say it is a gift from you!!.Please help me !!!..I can not stop because that thing inside me do not leave me never stop, but I find it very difficult to control myself and stop killing the victim in the ninth .. And perhaps also the tenth .. I am drowning .. But I think in the bombing of a school bus full this time, I do not know how to turn these ideas damned!! ..Please help me because I can not control myself more than that .. "

At the end of brilliance letter signed what they saw as the worst in that time ..

Increased the panic among everybody with all the expectations of random from which they were trying to find out where the next strike, and fear spread like wildfire .. And passed several months without hitting Mister "Zodiac" hit, but they know that among them everywhere, and it is only prepared!! ..Indeed could not, "Zodiac" to stop a long ..
"Kathleen Jones"

A young woman in the highway next to her car broken, refer to the car accelerated, perhaps the same one condescend .. Of course he should be there .. And of course had to stop them .. And of course had to resign his car ..But she added something small before that .. I brought her baby daughter from her car ..The driver sat in the car is silent, which leads to the nearest station to repair the car, where the young woman wanted to reach, and his appearance seemed somewhat scary as he stared at the girl every now and then .. Then he started to doubt in the heart of alternative "Kathleen Jones," when passed more than a station without a stop at one, and when Tmaket herself and asked him why he did not stop replied, that "time is not yet "!!..Then hit a lot of the collapse and disintegration and she remembers all the terrible stories that everyone was warned each other of them, but as usual, she said to herself, "This only happens to others "!!.. But it is now realized and nerves break up "that happens to me .. and now" .. And sank, "Kathleen" in the seat more, which embraces her daughter does not know what will happen to her ..After an hour and a half of roaming, and stood in the car to the side of the road .. For several minutes, not one of them saying a word, while the meaning the child crying for some reason .. All of this led to an explosion, "Kathleen" .. Thus, I began to scream Bhustaria severe, then suddenly opened the door next door, and kidnapped her daughter and began at the speed of lightning to the forest on the side of the road, and for a moment amid her screams looked behind her and expects to see the monster a few steps of them, but it was still in the car without even pay attention to it, and after five minutes the car and lit lights went out, while I arrived, "Kathleen" to the nearest inhabited place, and .... And passed out ..At a time when the police force moving into place, the Master, "Zodiac" share friendly conversation with the inspector in charge of his case, and said: "Since the little I had a woman and her baby daughter .. do not be afraid, not Oguetlhma!! .. I have stopped me crying girl .. but you should be more careful, do not let things go as simple as that next time, if that does not make the events fun at all !!.."

Was briefed, "Kathleen" private army of guards and detectives to protect it from any attempt to kill .. And also protect it from the press .. He said everyone that the month of March 1970 will see the final chapter of the tragedy of "Zodiac" .. But what happened was enough for everyone loses their minds completely!! .. Did not try to be one of the Master, "Zodiac" to kill or kidnap the woman who is now learning its shape and its description, and can be placed behind bars ..At the same time there were not any little benefit from that witness .. As the descriptions reported by "Kathleen" was unstable, and not enough!! .. But that her statements during the investigation about the timing and conflicting descriptions of the driver more than once, even the police has become an illustration of three different from each other, very different!! Making reliance on testimony in court - or even to find the accused - a form of madness!! .. It seemed as if the "Zodiac" by the rhythm can not be never!! ..

It was the power of the psychological war waged by the "Zodiac" on the victims can be stronger than any one imagine that!! .. If this is the case for the psychological and mental, "Kathleen" untouched by the "Zodiac" at all, we may imagine the psychological state it was in the rest of the victims .. It was a fear that the game is fluent Mister "Zodiac" ..But "Zodiac" did not leave the police enjoy enough time to arrange the papers and ideas .. After one month, committed last incidents recorded in his name in the records of the FBI, when it shot the officer, "Richard Radinak" when he tried to free him for a traffic violation!! ..So now collected eight dead, and two Nvsian Makdtan .. The state of terror in the black, which covered the city of "San Francisco" Kgiyum cursed it did not seem ready to leave!! .. And everyone is tired of that game, which has become for them like a terrible nightmare can not stop ..But the nightmare stops!! ..
So suddenly .. In April 1970, Kramer was the last crime, "Zodiac" with the traffic officer ..For many months, everyone was waiting for the next victim that never came .. But the messages "Zodiac" to the police and local newspapers did not stop until 1978, when was the last time he had heard nothing about a .. The letters discuss some issues of the society, or even the last film ..

So that in 1974, sent a letter to newspapers saying that the movie Exorcist "Exorcist" - is one of the finest horror movies in history - is a "comedy comic "!!..

The question that entices the minds of all read these words now, of course, is whether the arrest of Mr "Zodiac "?!..
Indeed, while there are many descriptions of him .. But there are several hallmarks of suspected his own .. However, it has not been arrested so far!! .. Yes, for more than 35 years touring the Master, "Zodiac," the streets with us, without knowing that it was a day the cause of terror in the first "American" ..Although the police had arrested several suspects over the past thirty years - but the FBI has arrested a person suspected for several months that it is the Master, "Zodiac" - it is clear that he had mastered disappearance, and stay away from the eyes of the police ..Especially as it is contrary to all the serial killers who have been defined history did not follow any rule in the selection of his victims, making its next steps is expected to read like a cup or astrology!! ..
Today is not Mr. "Zodiac" more than a bad memory for all who lived in that period, while transformed into a scientific, literary and popular especially among young people new, especially those living in the "San Francisco" .. Have appeared hundreds of books and analysis dealing with psychological and work of this killer, which has not been without some impressive abilities, and its psychological impact, which was positioned - as he said a book - to become one of the most prominent world leaders influential in humans if it governs a country like the United States of America, is which is not available to him unfortunately!!!

It remains to be know one thing ..Why did Mr. "Zodiac," all of this?! ..
It was not motivated violence to violence, or just to satisfy the lust of overwhelming or even theft, but Mr. "Zodiac," explains his motives "logical" in a speech to the police, he said: "I like killing people because it is something fun!! .. But It's more fun than hunting wild animals in the forest .. Man is the more animals on the face of the earth gravity and ferocity, and contains many of the things that Tzidny experience in life!! ..
But the best thing is when I die and born again in the spiritual paradise, all of those killed will become my slaves .. So I will not tell you my name or my identity to you would try to stop me from continuing in the composition of that group of slaves ..
Mr Obaid, "Zodiac" .. "

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Mistakes some fasting and Alsaúmat

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings on the Prophet of guidance, compassion, better than the fasted and said Allah, may Allah bless him and his family and his companions, and followed them for charity to the Day of Judgement.After:This is a series of mistakes that some fasting and Alsaúmat in the month of Ramadan, hoping to benefit from God and had intercourse with the reader, and helped to publish and print:
1 - of errors: some Muslims to receive this holy month of exaggerating the purchase of foods and drinks in huge quantities, instead of preparing for and obedience to the economy and the participation of the poor and the needy.
2 - errors: speed up the fast, which is of some fasting, and that the negligence in the pay of many, because in that year to delay the Muslim sahoor to accrue wage impact of Aqtdaúh to the Prophet may Allah bless him unconscious.
3 - and errors: In some fasting bear intention to fast, if aware of the fast month of Ramadan to enter the swap his intention, he must fast. It was reported that the Prophet peace be upon him saying: 'Whoever does not intend to fast from the night, it's fast for him [Narrated by women.And saying: 'Whoever does not intend to fast before dawn, do not fast for him [Narrated by al-Bayhaqi Daaraqutni and horses.On the contrary: some say the intention, and this is wrong, but enough to stay overnight in the same faith.Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah may Allah have mercy on him: (and to speak the intention of Jesse duty consensus of the Muslims, but Muslims fast Fama intention and his fast is valid) [fatwas: c 25 - p. 275].
4 - and errors: deliberately drinking Otnaa Fajr azan, and doing this might spoil his fast as especially if the muezzin in the accurate timing of the ears.Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen Allah's mercy: Adhan for Fajr prayer can be either after dawn or before, it was after dawn breaks, then people should be held when they hear the prayer, because the Prophet peace be upon him says: {The Balala, authorized at night, so eat and drink until the you hear the Adhan of Ibn Umm Maktoum, it can not be authorized until the dawn} If you know that this is not the muezzin is authorized only if the dawn grabbed soon as you hear. [Lessons and opinions campus.
5 - and errors: Non-maintenance of he knew not to enter the month of Ramadan, as if asleep or be traveling or other reasons that prevent him from knowing the month, and this is wrong of it. So the Muslim when he knew to enter the month to catch the rest of the day, as explained by Salamah ibn Akwa 'may Allah be pleased with him said: {The Prophet peace be upon him sent a man calls out to the people on the Day of Ashura: "It is eating, let him complete or the rest of the day and not eat not eat "[Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim].
6 - and errors: the ignorance of some people thanks to the month of Ramadan, Vistqublouna like the other months of the year, and this is wrong what is true about peace be upon him he said: 'When Ramadan comes, opened the doors of Paradise, and the gates of Hell, and devils are chained} In the novel: {and the devils are chained[Narrated by a Bukha Rey, and Muslim].There are too many conversations about the virtue of this great month.
7 - and errors: that some people, when they heard that tonight is the first night in Ramadan does not pray Taraweeh prayers, this is a mistake, once the new moon of Ramadan, the Muslim should be entered on the first night of Ramadan is Sunnah to pray Taraweeh with a group of Muslims in the mosque that night.
8 - and errors: What some people do leave the mustache or eating during the day in Ramadan, he forgot to eat and drink until he has finished his needs.Shaykh Ibn Baaz said: (the view from a Muslim drink during the day in Ramadan, or eats, or engaging in something other than breaking the fast, he must be rebuked; because the show in the evil day of fasting, even if accompanied by excused in the same order, so as not to show people that might encroach Back God of the fast, claiming forgetfulness). [Journal of call: 1186].
9 - It errors: denial of some of their daughters if they want to fast on the pretext that they may be young girls who have reached the age of menstruation and she wants to fast because it is expensive Fimnaha of people on the grounds they are small, without a question about the coming of menstruation.Shaykh Ibn Jibrin (many of the girls may menstruate at ten or eleven-year-old Visahl people and they think there is a small Alsmonha fasting and this is wrong, the girl has her period if the total amount of women and was commissioned by the rule) [fatwas of fasting.
10 - and errors: embarrass some people if they remember that every mistake or drinking during fasting and doubted the validity of his fast.The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: {If one of you forgot and he ate and drank, let him complete his fast for it is fed and drink} [Narrated by Bukhari]
11 - and errors: embarrass some women put henna during fasting.Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen: (The status of henna during fasting does not break does not affect anything on the fast Kalekhal and ear drops and Kalqtrh in the eye does not hurt all that fasting does not invalidate the fast) on the light path.
12 - and errors: embarrass some of the women of taste the food for fear of masturbation.Shaykh Ibn Jibrin (good tasting food to the need that Ajala on the tip of his tongue to know the sweet and salty and against, but do not swallow it or spit nothing but get it out of it does not invalidate the fast. [Opinions fast.
13 - and errors: the ignorance of some people Bmvtarat and Things which invalidate the fast, which is located some, especially with the start of Ramadan, and this is a serious mistake, it is obligatory for the fasting person should know ahead of Ramadan and the things that invalidate the things that invalidate the fast, even Athrz from falling in it.
14 - and errors: embarrass some of the use of Siwak during the day in Ramadan, and probably thought that the use of Miswak fast, and this is a mistake, said peace be upon him: {that not too difficult for my ummah, ordered them to bleed at every prayer} [agreed]. Bukhari said, may God have mercy on him: (not for the Prophet peace be upon him fast than others).Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen: (do not break the fast bleed, but it is the year of each other in time in the beginning of the day and at the end).
15 - and errors: that some callers are not authorized until after the spread of the dark not only the absence of the sun and the claim that it safer for the worship, and this abuse for the year because the year that authorized when the sun sets completely, and does not count another.Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah: If you missed all the disk fast fasting person does not count for the remaining very red in sight. [Fattary total: 25/215].
16 - and errors: inattention some fasting prayer for those who, Baaftarhm, it is the year if the fasting person breaks his fast when the people that prayed for them as called for by the Prophet peace be upon him, while when people break the fast. As if to say: {fast you have those who fast, and the righteous eat your food, you angels and Tnazelt} [true small mosque.Or says: {O feed of the parcel and the watered Esq [Narrated by Muslim].Or says: God bless them with Rozkthm and forgive and have mercy on them [Narrated by Muslim].
17 - and errors: some believe the prohibition womanizing the night of Ramadan, and this error prohibition applies to be in the daytime but at night halaal (permissible), the Almighty said: {lawful to you the night of fasting, sexual relations with your wives are to dress as you dress them} [Al-Baqarah: 187].
18 - and errors: the reluctance of some women to fast if she becomes pure before the dawn of the washing will not be able to time constraints, she should refrain from fasting on the grounds that she has not realized the morning wash in the practice.Shaykh Ibn Jibrin: If the bleeding stops, including the time of dawn or just before her fast and will suffice for the imposition if it does not wash until after he became the morning.[Fataawa Fasting.

19 - and errors: what he hears from some people from crying out loud, but cry when you read the Qur'an shows that God influenced the serum, including hear the Word of God Almighty, this is a good thing no doubt, no doubt.But the scenes and audio from some of the worshipers crying out loud so that manned the cause of inter worshipers who around him. Add to that the movements associated with the cry, and wonder that some of them have the whole crying during the Qunoot without reading the Koran.Such is said to him: first, to be vulnerable to tears and when you hear the Koran.
20 - and errors: embarrassed when some people to become quite side will think that his fast is void and upon the judiciary and this is wrong and correct that his fast is valid and not make it up, it was the Prophet peace be upon him realize dawn which side of his family and then a bath and fast.According to Shaykh Ibn Baaz (wet dreams do not invalidate the fast, because fasting is not to choose it and take a bath ghusl if the water). [Total of a variety of opinions and articles.
21 - and errors: some women wearing perfume when they go out for Taraweeh prayers, as well as not covering the full and also gets to raise the voices in the mosques, and this seriously into the same temptation, how if the time and place virtuous virtuous.Vlma imperative for the Muslim woman is keen to avoid that sin to take over from the impact of those acts.
22 - and errors: delay some of the noon prayer and fasting times for Guetehma and the predominance of sleep, this one of the greatest mistakes the Almighty said: woe to the worshipers, who are heedless of their prayers [Ma'un :4-5].Some scholars said: the ones who delay it all the time. In Saheeh from Ibn Mas'ud that he asked the Prophet peace be upon him: the good of prayer? He said peace be upon him: {prayer on time}, or on time, in the novel: the {first time}.
23 - and errors: delay breakfast, it is Sunnah to hasten the fast breakfast when sure of the time for what was narrated from Sahl ibn Saad Al-Saedi, may Allah be pleased with him that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: 'people will still be okay to hurry up mushrooms} [Agreed .Anas said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: {Ba rose early for breakfast and delayed suhoor} [true small mosque.
24 - and errors: that some fasting does not break until after the end of the muezzin adhaan the safe side and this is wrong, when the muezzin sure to hear For the fasting person to break the fast and delayed until the end of the prayer has Tnta cost and what is not demanding it. But from year to hasten to break and delay suhoor.
25 - and errors: inattention some fasting for prayer at the prayer breakfast is the year for breakfast, because of the great bounty and the fasting of those who are not invited.It was narrated that Anas ibn Maalik, may Allah be pleased with him said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: {Three prayers are not rejected: Darh father, and fasting, and prayer of a traveler [Narrated by Ahmad and horses.The prayers contained correct what he was saying at breakfast: {Thirst has gone, and afflicted veins, and the reward, God willing} [Saheeh Abi Dawood].
26 - and errors: preoccupation of some Muslims in the last ten days of Ramadan in buying clothes, sweets and a waste of time utopia where much of the night that God said, where: {better than a thousand months} ​​[-Qadr: 3], which follows their concern to do, tahajjud to stay up in the market hours long to wander around and purchase, and this is unfortunate is a lot of Muslims, and they have to follow the Sunnah of their Prophet peace be upon him when he enters the last ten days strain Almodhir and wake his family and stay up at night, so he has been the Prophet peace be upon him and his companions may Allah be pleased with them all.
27 - and errors: embarrass some patients of breakfast and determination with a hardship, and this error right Almighty has raised the embarrassment of people have licenses for the patient to fast, and is serving after that, he says: 'Whoever of you month, then let him fast and whoever is ill or on a journey the same number of days} [Baqarah: 185].
28 - and errors: preoccupation with some fasting breakfast for up to prayer, and this is wrong, it is Sunnah for the fasting and the other to follow the muezzin says as he said, was narrated from Abu Sa'eed that the Messenger of Allah said: {If you have heard the call, say what say Mozn} [Agreed] The muezzin is the follow-up with breakfast and continue not to drop because there is no prohibition on eating up if the muezzin chanting and prayer and God knows best.
29 - and mistakes: Do not accustom boys and girls on the fast to the small age, and desirable to get them used to fast before puberty Faamron him to exercise it, especially if Otaqoh as described for spring girl Mu'awwidh said: {So we were fast Even our children and make them out of wool, so if one of them cried the food we gave him, the one so that when breaking the fast} [agreed].
30 - and errors: that there is a fault of the traveler to fast, and this is wrong, the traveler Fitr in Ramadan or fasting, that depending on his condition, and the case of a traveler does not depart from three:A - If you do not shove it "fasting, Fasting is strong it is better than mushrooms, pan meaning: that fast is better for you if you know} [Baqarah: 184].B - Construction of fasting and introduce him to accept the license, in the right Valaftr best to fast for the whole verse: {Allah does not burden any soul beyond its power} [Baqarah: 286].And he said peace be upon him: that God loves His concessions as he likes to bear Azaúmh} [Narrated by Ibn Hibbaan, Tabaraani in the Great].And saying peace be upon him: {It is not righteousness to fast when traveling [Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim from the hadeeth of Jabir may Allah be pleased with him].C - if it is realized hardship given the choice between fasting and not fasting because of the words Aslami Hamza ibn 'Amr said to the Prophet peace be upon him: {Should I fast whilst traveling? - Many fast - and said peace be upon him: "If you wish to, then broke his fast and if you wish"} [al-Bukhari].No reflects companions of the Prophet peace be upon him each other in the fasting and Breakfast - ie, when traveling - as reported from Anas ibn Maalik said: 'we were traveling with the Prophet peace be upon him did not reflects the fast to the things that invalidate, or the things that invalidate the fast} [Agreed .
31 - and errors: the speed of anger and clamor and obscene speech, the day in Ramadan, the fasting person should be to the hadeeth of the Prophet: {Fasting If the fast day one of you is not and does not Ackb, the Sabh one or Hatemh let him say: Ne fasting [Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim].And fasting is not eating and drinking only, but it is a fast prey includes fasting from sin, and fasting on the tongue for obscenity and bad attitudes.
32 - and errors: waste of good times during Ramadan in the contests follow-up that space and the accompanying music, singing and fluid series.This is undoubtedly weaken the faith, and lost wages for the fasting person great to be grasped in this holy month, and how it replaces the recognized What is the minimum of what is good?So the Muslim Trying to make all his time in Ramadan, in obedience to God and reading the Qur'an, and dhikr, and pray, and read useful books, and stay in the mosque, and attending even reap the reward in this blessed month.
33 - and errors: embarrass some fasting from breakfast to travel, this is wrong, the license had breakfast in the travel indicated by the words of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: that God loves His concessions as he likes to bear Azaúmh}.
34 - and errors: hasten to read the Koran without management or singing to the completion of the reading, believing that what he is doing is right, but it is in great danger because the Quran was revealed this month on the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, and God said, where {, recite the Koran recitation } [Muzzammil: 4].Obligatory: Motet in reading and deliberation, and ponder its meaning.
35 - and errors: i'tikaaf wasting years with the ability for them in spite of many people to leave at the time, but they do not apply the years i'tikaaf in the mosque.
26 - and errors: embarrass some of the fasters shaved hair, or cut the nails, plucking the armpit, or, or shaving the pubic hair during the day in Ramadan on the grounds that this would invalidate the fast.The correct view is that all this does not break the fast is not invalidated his fast, but is undesirable from the Sunnah.
37 - and errors: embarrass Bas swallow the saliva of fasting during Ramadan and is accompanied by much spitting on the pretext not to spoil his fast, and this hurt the Muslims.The correct view is that it is not okay to swallow the saliva, even a lot, and follow up in the mosque and elsewhere, but if the mucus is thick Kalnkhama Abelaa but do not spit into a tissue and the like. Not be the voice of hurt around him.
38 - and errors: over-Altamadd and inhalation during the day in Ramadan without a need for the pretext of the extreme heat and the alleviation of heat it.Shaykh Ibn Alossameen: (The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: {bestowed ablution, and imbalance between the fingers, and deep into the nose unless you are fasting} and this is proof that fasting does not exaggerate in rinsing the nose, and does not exaggerate in rinsing the mouth; because it may lead to the descent of the water to his stomach by his fast Vivsd) [Fiqh of worship.
39 - and errors: embarrass some patients with asthma from the use of spray fast for fear of corruption.In this Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen may God have mercy on him: (use this spray is permissible for the fasting person, whether fasting in Ramadan or at any other time, because the spray does not reach the stomach, but up to bronchitis Vtnfath because it is a property and breathing human respiration normal after that . He is not in the sense of eating and Squadron) [letter of invitation.
40 - and errors: embarrass some fasting people to put eye drops, ear drops, or put henna on the head, or kohl.The correct view is that all this does not invalidate the fast is permissible during fasting, the more correct of the two scholarly opinions, which may not drop the nose is to port it to the stomach.
And finally:Has endeavored to clarify a number of mistakes that some fasting and Alsaúmat, we ask Allah to accept from us and you in favor of business, and to accept our fasting, our fasting and prayers, and to bless our work, and may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad and his family and him.

...تابع القراءة

| ]

I see your face in my mind as I drive away
'Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way
People are people and sometimes we change our minds
But it's killing me to see you go after all this time

Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm

Music starts playin' like the end of a sad movie
It's the kinda ending you don't really wanna see
'Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you down
Now I don't know what to be without you around

And we know it's never simple, never easy
Never a clean break, no one here to save me
You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand

And I can't breathe
Without you, but I have to
Without you, but I have to

Never wanted this, never want to see you hurt
Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve
People are people and sometimes it doesn't work out
Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out

And we know it's never simple, never easy
Never a clean break, no one here to save me
You're the only thing I know like the back of my hand

And I can't breathe
Without you, but I have to
Without you, but I have to

It's two a.m., feelin' like I just lost a friend
Hope you know it's not easy, easy for me
It's two a.m., feelin' like I just lost a friend
Hope you know this ain't easy, easy for me

And we know it's never simple, never easy
Never a clean break, no one here to save me, oh

I can't breathe
Without you, but I have to
Without you, but I have to
Without you, but I have to

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
...تابع القراءة

منتديات سومي

مدونة روح الهدى - تابعنا لتحصل على الافضل
